5 khatarnak online business 0$-100$!! Vo bhi pehle mahine mein! 😯👇
* 5 online business in which you can make 1000 $ in your first month:- 5 best online startup with 0 investment! * First step you have to be consistent and dedicated for your work. * Second step give your time because time is very important. # Now I'm going to tell you 5 online business from which can make money by sitting at home:- 1. First is YouTube 99% you all know about it. YouTube is one of the best platform to make money with 0$ investment. YouTube generates 1.65 billion $ in every 3 weeks and 300 million in a week. You can show your talent, experience,life,Task etc. Anything whatever you want. You have to be consistent if you choose this platform. You can earn money on youtube by ads, membership,super thanks,sell your own product. YouTube give 65% fund to content creator. Don't waste your time in watching Netflix Go and do. God has give you alot of time and you're doing nothing with. 2. Second is Facebook same you all know about F